formative and summative program evaluation
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Mfalme Afrika supports clients with formative and summative program evaluation to help them shape, improve, and transform programs for greater effectiveness.

Whether performing an insightful, early-stage evaluation or a data-rich, long-term evaluation, Mfalme Afrika applies highly rigorous methodologies to help clients determine how a program measures up and find methods by which clients can improve programs.

At Mfalme Afrika, we know the same toolkit does not address the program evaluation needs of every client. For our tailored, unique program evaluations, Mfalme Afrika uses a combination of traditional and state-of-the-art analytic methods and tools.


Survey Research

Mfalme Afrika offers comprehensive survey research services that empower clients to gain valuable and actionable insights on issues that matter.

Health research, monitoring, and evaluation

We bring decades of academic rigor, project experience in over 10 countries, and extensive subject matter knowledge to deliver studies on-time and within budget. After establishing your scope, Mfalme Afrika health experts implement research designs to achieve sound data collection and analysis.

Economic and financial analysis

Mfalme Afrika provides economic and financial analysis to public and private organizations seeking to evaluate programs and policies or to determine the broad impacts these programs and policies might have on the economy.